- coacervation
- (n) коацервация; скапливание мелких капель* * *коацервация, коарцевация
Новый англо-русский словарь. 2013.
Новый англо-русский словарь. 2013.
coacervation — ● coacervation nom féminin (latin coacervatio, onis, groupement) Phénomène de séparation en deux phases de certaines solutions macromoléculaires. (L une des phases, très fluide, ne renferme qu une petite quantité de molécules à faible degré de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Coacervation — Co*ac er*va tion, n. [L. coacervatio.] A heaping together. [R.] Bacon. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Coacervation — (v. lat.), 1) Aufhäufung; 2) (Rhet.), Häufung der Beweise, im Gegensatz von Durchführung der einzelnen; daher Coacerviren, häufen, u. Coacervatus, gehäuft … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Coacervation — Coacervation, lat., Häufung; coacerviren, häufen … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
coacervation — [kō as΄ər vā′shən] n. [ME coacervacioun, a heaping together < L coacervatio < coacervatus, pp. of coacervare, to heap up < co (see COM ) + acervare, to form a heap < acervus, a heap] a reversible, emulsoid stage existing between the… … English World dictionary
coacervation — /koh as euhr vay sheuhn/, n. Physical Chem. the process of becoming a coacervate. [1350 1400; ME coacervacioun < L coacervation (s. of coacervatio), equiv. to coacervat(us) (see COACERVATE) + ion ION] * * * … Universalium
coacervation — koacervacija statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Pusiausvirosios koloidinės sistemos pasidalijimas į dvi skystąsias fazes. atitikmenys: angl. coacervation rus. коацервация … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
coacervation — (ˌ)kōˌasə(r)ˈvāshən noun ( s) : the process of becoming a coacervate : mutual precipitation : aggregation coacervation of gelatin and gum arabic … Useful english dictionary
coacervation — noun see coacervate … New Collegiate Dictionary
coacervation — noun The separation of a colloidal system into two liquid phases, one of which (the coacervate) is more concentrated in the colloid component … Wiktionary
coacervation — Formation of a coacervate. * * * co·ac·er·va·tion (ko as″ər vaґshən) the separation of a mixture of two liquids, one or both of which are colloids, into two phases, one of which (the coacervate) contains the colloidal particles,… … Medical dictionary